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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Half a million Android application! But ...

Half a million Android application! But ...
The number of applications published in Android store has reached 500 thousand for the application! And so often approached Google to close the gap between the store and Apple store! Yes, there is still a "but" in the way.

But Google has deleted 37% of these applications, yes, the actual number of applications is 319 A application, the applications that Google was deleted in violation of different things, some commercial and moral, but Google insists that the actual number of applications without the applications violation is 500 thousand and is actually equal to the number of Apple applications store.

Apple also deleted a large number of applications and up to 23% of the number of applications published in advance, and because of the two numbers can we really say that Apple was right when he said that the quality of their applications more Android applications?

Information may be of interest dear reader, in a report published by the Research2guidance stated that the developers of Android developers are more productive than Apple, where the average number of applications provided by the developer Alandroed Default is 6 to 4 for Apple developers.

Half a million Android application! But ... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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